When it comes to engaging with job seekers, it is essential to understand that there are different types of job seekers. Some are happy in their current role and not looking for work ,there are those who like to explore new opportunities but are not actively looking for work. There are those who are thinking about it and those who are looking for a change by sending out their CV’s. So, recruiters have to be more proactive in the way in which they engage with those who are looking for a permanent role.
There are those who like to explore new opportunities but are not actively looking for work. There are those who are thinking about it and those who are looking for a change by sending out their CV’s. So, recruiters have to be more proactive in the way in which they engage with those who are looking for a permanent role.
To achieve this, it is all about engaging with them on the right level and getting into their way of thinking. Therefore, you need to know all about what they are looking for, what their expectations are and what they want from their recruiter. If you want to engage more closely with candidates who are either looking for, or seeking permanent roles, then your app adds another way to achieve this. This is a simple way to make contact with them and a simple way for them to make contact with you. This two-way engagement opens them up to regular strategic contact and that can help you to put them in the right permanent role. Engagement should not be something that you tip-toe around because candidates want to know that their recruiter is working for them and that means enhanced contact gives them a sign that they are clearly in your thoughts.
However, all reputable and highly regarded recruiters will make sure that they build more than a short-term relationship with their candidates. This is because a lifetime engagement gives candidates the chance to reach out to you should they need you and you can also provide them with new jobs that might appeal to them without being seen to be a nuisance. Your efforts to engage with them, even when you have placed them in work proves to them that you are still offering the exceptional service and level of candidate care that got them the job in the first place.
What makes creating these relationships so important, is that they form an essential platform
for the challenges every recruiter faces in the battle for resourcing talented people.
Permanent candidates are not just about the here and now because they can also become future clients and that in itself is an important aspect for any recruiter. So take care of candidates beyond finding them a role, make it easy for them to engage with you and create the right level of communication and you will find that more of them become available for permanent roles.